"Treat me like a human being." These were the words of a friend of ours recounting a difficult situation to us recently. These words have stuck with us since. We - like so many we'd be willing to guess - often speak of the "dignity of the human person," and yet belief in that dignity is not always evident in the experiences of daily life. Christ tells us that the world will know us by our love for one another; that we are to love one another as he has loved us. Yet, we gossip, we slander. We are quick to desire empathy and we want to be given the benefit of the doubt, but we are not always so quick to extend that to others. How can we overcome this? What are the implications of the dignity of each human person, on the way we live our lives as social beings? These are some of the topics we dive into with our good friend, and special guest, Sr Fidelis Marie.
You can listen to Draw Near on Wednesday at 4p on Siouxland Catholic Radio 88.1 FM or you can listen here.
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